Thursday, October 24, 2013

You Say Trust?

Q:  All I hear from all of you is to believe in love and trust.  Trust what? As you say we are all it.  Do I trust in myself?

A: Child, the inner heart of the energy of all things is what we all trust in. Emotions are to be learned, and that includes suffering as well as ease.  You say you have little trust in anyone or anything, but you trust very deeply in love, always have, and always will. That is one of the reasons you have this opportunity to share with this world what love truly is.

Q: Why can't my world ease for a time. Even my friends are suffering so. It is hard to trust in something that is said to be good when one's life path is so full of struggling. How does one trust when trust has been broken?

A:  By realizing this is all a drama, a play, a teaching class. You may call it by whatever name you so desire, but it is not the true world.  All energy is the true world, not just this dimension. The world as you see it is very limited. The world as we see it is vast, alive, and thriving. It is alive with energy flowing by leaps and bounds. Every second a new soul enters this dimension and one leaves. The balance alone would boggle your mind. You see so limited, child, but in your true self you are way beyond your thinking. Every Soul is. Some reach higher dimensions and become teachers, some become guides, some desire to become death angels. The list goes on and on. There is no end to this journey it only expands into more love. It is up to each being of light how and when they are lifted into a higher dimension and there is no one higher in Spirit that another, for all are the same, just walking a different path. There is so much for you to learn and write down. It is good.

Always why?

Q: Why are so many souls struggling and suffering now?  I know religion would say we have sinned and are getting our due, but I can not believe that. I know our choices have natural consequences to them, but trauma seems to have intensified triple to what it was. Why?

A: The energy speeding up has intensified the natural ego and nature of man. It will continue to do so as the energy continues to speed up.

Q: But why must good people suffer so? Is there no mercy?

A:  There is no need for mercy. Everything is like a Ferris wheel child. The wheel continues to go round and round. Some carts sway with the movement, some remain still. It is all a matter of learning through the movement and adjusting your path in ways to ease the trauma.

Q: How do we freakin' do that?

A: By trust child, something you have so little of. You fear letting your heart out less it be crushed.

Q: Duh, where have you been Samson? It has been broken so many times I stopped counting. If we trust - who in?

A:  Trust in the one energy that created everything and everyone. There is no one person suffering more than another. All suffer together. For all belong to the same energy of love.

Q: Well, here it seems like it. We don't see things the way you do.  Here it is all right in front of our eyes, screaming at us. So, how does one believe in love, trust in love when their whole world here is falling apart. It seems unfair to us. I see so many people struggling, sad and brokenhearted. What is the purpose of all this trauma? How can one learn if they are in such pain?  Seems like we would grasp the true meaning of Source and love if we didn't have to go through so much here.

A:  Child, this is simply tests for the beings of light to learn from. As I have said before, one learns best when the emotions are high. For in learning the opposite of an emotion, child, one understands truth, let's use this example -  such as learning hate will eventually lead the being of light to love and its true meaning. Love is the lesson behind each emotion. Until one learns the exact opposite of love - one never grasps the truth behind love.  One can not learn using only one side of every emotion. One has to dwell in the negative side before one can enter into the rest of the positive side.  We can use two magnets for example. It has both a positive and a negative side. One can not work until both side are placed together with opposite energies. If you were to see your path as only positive energy - you would grow no further in Spirit. That is not each being of light's desire. Each Soul's desire is to further it's grasp of self.  You will understand more as we go along.

Q:  Right now I am bogged down with the lessons I have learned, but my heart truly is sad with the pain I see in other's lives. Is there ever a turning point so the Souls can rest? Or does it just keep intensifying?

A: Energy always flows in a circle. It will ease for the souls you see in pain and for you.

Q:  Boy, have I heard that before.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Super Atoms

Q:  You have talked about life packs. Can you tell me more about them?

A:  You need to understand all things are not separate from the collective Source of all life form.  Also all things no matter how small, still or big, they are beings with life energy and remain so.  Nothing that is - is not a life form. Remember this child.  It will aid you in understanding my words. Source, as you call the Creator is the source of the energy that produces all life. The collective power from which all exist and generate from is the energy of trillions of, "Super Atoms." Those super atoms generate so much power that it runs the world's electricity for billions of years on just one atom.

Q:  Are you saying the Creator is a type of generator? Come on now. That's a bit much.

A:  NO!  The Creator is not a generator. The creator is life. It is the source of all things within and without itself. The Creator is an energy pattern grouped by smaller energy patterns all connected in one.

Q:  Okay, so we all belong to the same powerful energy. I get that, so?

A:  Not belong, child, "ARE."  The word are is the key to understanding. You understanding is blocked because your energy is unbalanced and divided by thought on this dimension, child. The separation of your true form is to partly to blame for your lack of understanding at this time. that is okay. Do not fret. In your balanced energy form, you would have no trouble see without division.

Q: Then why can't I dwell here in my true form to learn?

A:  If you dwelt here in this dimension in your true form you would simply be bored. That is the reasoning behind this separation of knowing here. So, one could walk this path.

Q:  If, in our true form we are so all knowing why must we do these paths?  Why put ourselves through this life path crap?

A:  Nothing is as you say, "crap." If you see a bowl of ice cream sitting on a table in front of you how would you truly understand what it is until you tasted it, experienced the delicious flavor and the cold enjoyment of feeling as it flows down your pallet?  One must learn through the five senses they possess.

Q:  If a life path is so hard and the soul becomes tired and frayed - how can they learn anything?
A:  By choice, child. If you look at the body's external world you would see only the sadness, hardships and pain, souls bear. You would not see the spiritual awakening each soul is experiencing. We see growth. Take your brother, Jim.  Although he remains stunted in his seeking, fearful of changing in thought, he is fully aware of the act of giving in love.He experiences love through a higher form. His heart truly is good, despite the bitterness and judge mental thought he has. You are not just a physical form child, but a being of light dwelling in a higher energy. You are more than capable of handling all things brought into your path. Only your ego tries to convince you otherwise. You must trust in love and abide in peace. Choose too, child. I will be here with you for a time to aid you in your journey.

Life Packs

Q: You talked of when the being of light chooses a path to trod the physical form energy will choose it's form for that chosen path. Is that based solely on the type of family chosen?

A:  All souls are connected through the eternal life energy. But, most beings of light chose to run in what we higher energies call, "Life Packs." They are chosen because many times the current of energy blends easily with theirs. Some currents flow easier with some. This makes the life path more interesting to trod. It also is more comforting to the soul to know it's counterparts in an intimate manner, less friction to bear.

Q; What do you mean when you say their energies blend?

A:  All energy originates from within the Creator of all life, but , "Free-will," allows each being of light to become an individual. It chooses it's own life path and the Souls it wishes to dwell with here. Of course, those Souls must agree to the path also. Free will reigns - high most and it is forbidden to overstep the soul's will. Most souls will choose to abide with like energies.

Q: So, all souls are not the same energy?

A:  Energy is high and energy is low. It runs in sequence or in different vibrations. It all depends on the soul's desires.Each soul adjusts it's energy pattern to the frequency of it chosen path. It will also adjust it's frequency to the beings of light it has agreed to walk this life path with.

Q:  What makes a being of light want to walk in the type of frequency it does?

A:  Familiarity. Most beings of light desire to run in, "Life packs," similar souls .Each soul is unique, but depending on the obtained dimension a Soul has reached, their energy is either raised into a higher energy or they remain in the slower energy. Some choose to remain still.

Q: Still?

A:  Adjusted to their desired openness to the knowing. What they have grasped and learned is sufficient to them. They desire the comfort of their state. If a being of light desires to move forward in their energy, the more open they are to learn and grow in their knowing, the more they will advance upward in spiritual knowing. the higher the soul moves upward the less selfish they become. The begin to understand love in a whole new way. They are more willing to give than receive.

Q:  So what do you mean when you say the words, "life pack?"

A:  When a soul chooses to advance in spirit, taking on an unselfish, un-judge-mental state of existence,the meaning of our true existence becomes merged within. The soul begins to be educated and learns to allow the energy they possess to merge into all life packs - the collective-ness of all living matter. The life pack is your chief existence into light and the higher energy.  Each soul travels in packs through life tunnels of knowledge. There are beings of higher knowledge to teach the soul as it walks the tunnels. These beings are teachers who have traveled many life paths successfully. They have obtained knowledge above the norm and have reach a place of true humility. for only in true humility can one truly teach another.

Q:  Are they greater Spirits that we are here on this dimension?

A:  There is only ONE GREAT Soul and it is a collective of all life energy.


Q: Why is this life path so hard?

A:  Life isn't easy. It isn't how this works, child. You can't expect to lie on a bed of soft rose petals all of the time. Look at the picture as a whole. It is molding your into the knowledge of kinder ship with your maker. It isn't suppose to be simple and easy to follow. There aren't any rules or diagrams to follow. One learns by the choices made in their path. Beside, one usually doesn't learn the lesson if it is easy. The harder the path, the better one learns. The whole purpose is to move continually upwards in the life path. As a being of light, the higher the soul rises, the more opaque it becomes. The being finds it harder to hide its true nature. The clearer the soul, the deeper they move into a spiritual knowing. The deeper their knowing the closer they are to the discovery of their true self.  With the realization of who and what they are comes the awakening of their internal power. The more power the soul becomes aware of the more maturity is demanded from them. For a soul can not be awakened to their power potential until they are capable of understanding what that power means and how to handle it. Words are power and the higher a soul becomes in it's awakening, the more the soul realizes the power and it's might. The Soul becomes humble in that power.

The Three?

Q:  So, Samson, if we come here as three energies, as one, why doesn't the physical form part of me get to have a say in what path I take?

A:  It does. But, the Soul and Ego are the strongest of the three. That is not to say the physical being of light in each being is a lesser vessel. There are no big I's or little, you's in this universe. It all consists of one complete encompassed energy,  the extension of the eternal completeness of our Creator. Much like your earthly children here, child. You can't separate energy. It is impossible to separate the atoms and cells that spark life into all things. You can't remove your husband's DNA from your child anymore that you could remove yours. How can energy divide?  It can't. If one tries to separate energy it become vol-ital. It's cells begin to mutate and can reek havoc.  One can separate man made energy, but not the eternal energy of the Creator life.
i know all of this is hard to understand at this time in your earthly walk, but it is necessary for you to stay open to our words. Don't try to analyze them. Simply accept the words in faith and write them. There is coming a day when all this will begin to melt into you and there will be no confusion. Trust in my words, child.

Q; Samson, if we are three parts, body, soul and ego, is that the same as you spoke, (air, water and blood)?  How can I grasp that is I don't fully see?

A:  By faith in your Creator.

Q: My faith is weak, Samson.

A: No one's faith is weak. The soul only allows the ego to confuse. Trust, child. choose to trust. The soul contributes the spiritual connection from this earthly walk to the Creator. The Ego is the flowing of emotion and the physical form allows each being of light to proceed on it's life journey here. One cannot function properly without all three moving in sequence. Each path is a designated path chosen by the being of light to teach it who and what it truly is. For without the knowing of that the being of light falters on this path. As it proceeds into it's path and comes to the realization of it's identity, the being of light speeds up it's energy and begins to move into a higher energy level. The being of light learns simply by progressing down the life path. When the three become united, the Soul moves upward into a higher plane. It is a marvelous journey.

Q: Sometimes I think the three energies are lacking unity and my journey isn't marvelous as you say, but sad and tiring.

A:  That is the joy of this path - to learn to flow in three different ways and still try to remain who and what they are.  Often it is very difficult to do that as you well know. But, Child the end is simply tremendously joyful. Well worth the effort. For one simply can not learn unless one has to put up an effort. Life isn't easy here. But, to know this world is to be if full reach of one's wholeness.  Much like to understand love in it's fullness - you have to understand hate in it's fullness. Only in the understanding of both can one truly understand the true meaning of life.

New Day of Discovery

Q:  You spoke of the physical body as one with the Soul and Ego. You stated the same energy that makes the physical body here goes with us to each life path we walk. I know in the past you said, "No energy ever dies."  So, are you saying this body I am dwelling in now, on this dimension, is the same one I started out with, at my created start? The one that has re-birthed at each life path?

A:  Yes, The physical form changes but the atoms that make up your earthly vessel is always the same. Remember all energy is the same. You see everything as separate. That is okay. But, as your energy from the Soul, Ego and physical body is united and balanced you will see everything as it truly it, one energy. There is no more seeing things divided.

Q: So, there is never a death of any kind?

A:  No, no death at all. Energy does not die. If it did, the Creator would die, and that is impossible.

Q:  Is my physical body energy?

A: Yes, The being of light consists of a Soul, an Ego and the physical form. Remember, all things come in three's - total completeness.

Q:  Is our Creator made up of three parts as we are?

A:  Yes, Soul, Ego and the physical form (at the Creator's discretion).

Q:  Why would the  Creator choose to have a form?

A:  For Social purposes, much like us.
  The Creator (and us) consist of three energy sources, the Soul, (water), the Ego, (air), and the physical     form (blood). All things have the same makeup of life energy and are a complete extension of the energy of the Creator, you call Source. Of course, the Creator consists of male and female. There is no distinction between the two.

Q:  How does my body change form?  Why not just come back as the same form?

A:  The physical form the atoms choose is based on the life path the being of light chooses to take. It weighs the path chosen and selects it's desired form again. Remember, Child, in our true form there is no physical form, only an energy pattern that is capable of taking on a body used in this dimension or in other dimensions. It is mainly for social purposes.

Q:  This isn't simple to grasp, Samson.  A part of me thinks it is understanding, but another part of me is confused as Hell.  I simply can not fully see the oneness yet. I try, but my earthly mind argues against it and I find myself warring within. is this normal?

A: Child, when you dwell in this dimension with the Ego in front (control), you will not be able to see as you would in your balanced form. It is okay. Do not fret, Child. You will get there.

Q: You say your name is Samson. Who are you?

A: You were told you would write three books. The first would be in simple terms, the second - deeper, and the third extremely difficult for this world to see and comprehend.  You are beginning the second phase now. I come from the 12th dimension to teach you.  I come from a dimension unlike any you have seen or experienced. One must have taken on all life emotions to reach this place but yet, be the lowest to serve in humility. It has not been an easy path, nor will it ever ease.  This is a path of much learning and sacrifice.  I have chosen to teach because I love to see beings of light progress to the higher dimensions.

Q:  George always says we choose our paths. I'm not so sure we do, totally. If we did we could change our earthly life path easily.  To me, that has been an impossible thing to accomplish.  Why doe it have to be so hard on us to learn our lessons?

A:  Nothing is hard or easy, child. Once again you see through separateness. You have not grasped the, "Unity," yet. It is simply too difficult to be in this dimension, in a sense of separateness, and see things as they truly exist.

Q;  What is our mind anyway? Is it separate from us or is it what we are?

A:  Your mind is made up of thoughts, thoughts created through energy cells. These cells spark and create life waves, which in turn develop your thought patterns which are taken into actions on our life path by our emotions, (Ego). Action is the way we walk our life path and it's choices. 

Anyone out there?

Does anyone read this at all?