Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Inner Circle of Trust

Q:  George, we all, according to what all of you have shared with me, come here to learn unconditional love. You said we alone control our life path and no one or nothing can override our free will. You have said if we don't like our pathway we can change it. Why do ALL OF YOU  say this and yet it isn't true in our walk here.
We have no ability to create a change or anything else for that matter. Why do all of you say this and yet it remains as if I have no say whatsoever in what occurs on my journey here. It's as if I am standing back watching a play occur before me, helpless to change anything. You say believe and choose , but it doesn't  do anything. So, please put on your truth hat and tell me why you tell me one thing and another occurs?

A:  Life paths are dramas, Luv. What happens is pre-ordained by your Soul and Ego.

Q: Am I the Soul?

A:  You are both, Soul and Ego. They together decide the pathway of choice before they come here. They hash out all the different scenarios and the way in which to proceed. They decide how hard the path will progress and how far the temptations and trials will advance in order to teach , "Unconditional Love." The harder the trial, the higher they move up into unconditional love, much like your educational system is here. One is able to move up quickly or one can move quite slowly. It is up to each being of light.

Q: This physical earthly body and our emotions can only take so much before it gives up. Why take us so far in our pathway here?  What good does that do if our emotions break? We learn nothing in the darkness.

A:  All Souls learn no matter the state of this physical earthly mind and body. This pathway is never judged by whether a Soul completes their pathway: clear in it's meaning, sane, or above it all. It is judged (if you want to call it that,) as accomplished well or badly. The whole point is to grasp the meaning of unconditional love in a new way each time. The whole path is to discover love its fullness.

Q:  Well, I am not sure whether or not I am grasping anything at this point but tiredness and wanting to leave. So, I don't think I have managed to learn anything up to now. I feel sad, confused and lost. With all the enlightenment you share with me, I seem to get it into my head but not into my heart. Head knowledge puff-eth up but heart knowledge changes one, George. So, why? What have I managed to learn in all these writings since 2004? To me, I have absolutely failed in this task.

A:  Luv, in each Soul's pathway is learning. How one learns is up to that Soul. There is no right or wrong way to learn. It's all about living the experience fully. One can learn in an easy positive way or one can learn in a negative emotional way. Neither is right or wrong, good or bad. One can even give up and leave. One will still learn.
Let's take Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dommer paths. Both choose a very difficult path. A path unloving, fully allowing their Ego free reign to satisfy themselves. They ignored the knowledge of love and mercy. They took their counterpart, (each soul lives within each other,) Soul's lives. They forsook their humanity. Yet,
they were embraced upon returning, healed and restored to the circle of eternal love.
What did they learn?  What did their path bring out in them? The total realization of the greatest gift of all - to realize who and what they were - one with their creator. To understand the true meaning of what love is. Not the love you speak of here but the enlightened knowledge of truth and freedom within each Soul. The gift of belonging to all energy.
If a Soul proceeds here to learn the lesson of true hate it creates a fire within them. Remember I said a while back to know true love one much experience true hate. To know forgiveness one has to know judgement. This pathway let's each Soul discover their opposite, so their true nature is set free to love without judgement and bondage. One can only learn if they have experienced the opposite of truth. This path when lived selfishly will create a fire within the Soul. A battle will begin and there is no peace to be found. Just as Ted Bundy went to Florida to be stopped, he fought within one of the greatest battles of his life path, the Ego's desire to live and the Soul's willingness to die. In this battle the Ego takes front seat and the Soul is driven to the back seat. The war within becomes unbearable, thus the energy begins to affect the Souls existing within the circle of the struggling soul. As the soul continues the path of total selfishness it begins to drain this physical body and mind causing it to heighten the intensity of their negativism. The fire burns hotter. The soul increases its struggling, its rage reaching terrifying heights. The hotter the fire within the more selfish the soul becomes until the soul reaches a breaking point and cries out for relief. The inner Soul sees and hears it's cries and begins to buffet the Ego, pulling it away from it's selfishness. It begins re-teaching it's other half - love. The Ego grasps the love like a hungry lion. It begins a downward spiral into knowing what it has done, and suffers greatly. It falls to its knees in despair. Love begins its healing. The Soul is healed and restored to it's original nature. That is love in it's fullness.  Until we come to the realization of what is our true nature's opposite are we fully able to grasp the whole realization of who and what we are - unconditional love.

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