Friday, October 4, 2013

Super Atoms

Q:  You have talked about life packs. Can you tell me more about them?

A:  You need to understand all things are not separate from the collective Source of all life form.  Also all things no matter how small, still or big, they are beings with life energy and remain so.  Nothing that is - is not a life form. Remember this child.  It will aid you in understanding my words. Source, as you call the Creator is the source of the energy that produces all life. The collective power from which all exist and generate from is the energy of trillions of, "Super Atoms." Those super atoms generate so much power that it runs the world's electricity for billions of years on just one atom.

Q:  Are you saying the Creator is a type of generator? Come on now. That's a bit much.

A:  NO!  The Creator is not a generator. The creator is life. It is the source of all things within and without itself. The Creator is an energy pattern grouped by smaller energy patterns all connected in one.

Q:  Okay, so we all belong to the same powerful energy. I get that, so?

A:  Not belong, child, "ARE."  The word are is the key to understanding. You understanding is blocked because your energy is unbalanced and divided by thought on this dimension, child. The separation of your true form is to partly to blame for your lack of understanding at this time. that is okay. Do not fret. In your balanced energy form, you would have no trouble see without division.

Q: Then why can't I dwell here in my true form to learn?

A:  If you dwelt here in this dimension in your true form you would simply be bored. That is the reasoning behind this separation of knowing here. So, one could walk this path.

Q:  If, in our true form we are so all knowing why must we do these paths?  Why put ourselves through this life path crap?

A:  Nothing is as you say, "crap." If you see a bowl of ice cream sitting on a table in front of you how would you truly understand what it is until you tasted it, experienced the delicious flavor and the cold enjoyment of feeling as it flows down your pallet?  One must learn through the five senses they possess.

Q:  If a life path is so hard and the soul becomes tired and frayed - how can they learn anything?
A:  By choice, child. If you look at the body's external world you would see only the sadness, hardships and pain, souls bear. You would not see the spiritual awakening each soul is experiencing. We see growth. Take your brother, Jim.  Although he remains stunted in his seeking, fearful of changing in thought, he is fully aware of the act of giving in love.He experiences love through a higher form. His heart truly is good, despite the bitterness and judge mental thought he has. You are not just a physical form child, but a being of light dwelling in a higher energy. You are more than capable of handling all things brought into your path. Only your ego tries to convince you otherwise. You must trust in love and abide in peace. Choose too, child. I will be here with you for a time to aid you in your journey.

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