Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Born of Love

Q:  If I am born of love why am I not a loving Soul here? Why do I fight anger, frustration, judgement and all the other things the Bible called, "Sins of the Fathers?" If I were born by the Eternal Creator why then do I struggle so?

A:  Child, would you survive on this path if you were not driven by your Ego?  The Soul is not able to function here as well as the Ego. The Soul is full of Spiritual insight, not things needed to survive here so man can learn their chosen lessons.  Whether man here realizes it or not the Ego is a very important part of you. it has common sense and it is able to rationalize the path fully.  It can separate it's spiritual side from the human side. It learns better.

Q:  Are you stating the Soul is not wise?

A:  Man's Soul is totally loving, has no common sense and is always living in a state of spirituality.

Q:  Well, isn't that what you want us to do?

A:  Yes, but with the balancing of it's counterparts, the Ego and the Physical mind and body. To truly know who you are all three must be in perfect balance. For only the Ego and the Physical mind and body remembers the lessons and learns from them. The Soul remains steadfast in its knowledge of who it is but does not remember how it got there. The Ego takes the Soul forward in Spirit.

Q:  How can that be?  Isn't the Soul of man the good side?

A:  All three are the good side when in balance. It takes all three to become higher in the dimensions.

Q:  I don't understand. I have been told the Soul is Holy.

A:  It is Child. But, so is the Ego and the Physical Mind and Body.

Q:  If the Soul is holy as well as it's counterparts- then what is the purpose of all these life paths?  Some are just horrible to be on.

A:  Child, they are all three Holy, yet they need to learn. For how can you have love and have forgiveness if you don't experience the opposite.  Learning both sides teaches man to understand all the Soul sees and knows. Without the Ego's willingness to walk these paths the knowledge known would not be understood and learned. So, you see these paths are very essential to one's advancement in the Spiritual dimensions. Just as education here makes for a better life, so does the trials of this physical path make a greater knowing within each Person.  One needs both the Spiritual knowledge and the practical knowledge gained by the Ego and the Physical mind and body.They put love into action. It is who you are Child.  Without the learning one would remain on the same Spiritual plain of knowing. Do you want that?

Q:  No.

A:  Then you must walk these paths to learn and advance in the knowing of all things created by the Eternal Creator.

Q: Then make it possible and get my path a little easier so I can learn and write it all down.

A:  The path is what gives you your insight into the whole creation of knowing. If you skipped the lessons there would be no advancement.

Q:  But, when on this path constantly struggling it makes it hard to learn. I live in a mentally divided state. So, what good does it do me?

A:  You learn in the struggling to move forward. You learn to have compassion for others and loose little by little the need to control. You learn to truly love another from you inner man not just from your mind and empty mouth.
You EXPAND all that you are - a spiritual man created from pure love.

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