Monday, October 31, 2016


Q;  Why is there so much Depression in this world?  It seems there is no stability anymore and everyone is running around in circles to find happiness.

A:  Life here is to learn what love truly means to one.  Happiness isn't something that just appears. Happiness is within all mankind, but they have to choose it.

Q:  But, why make it so hard for us?

A:  It isn't hard if you realize true happiness starts from within one and radiates without to others.  It isn't a magic pill one can take - it is a choice.  One has to grasp the true meaning of happiness from within.  This world shows us the opposite of happiness. It isn't more things, more power, more money. It is a choice to allow what created you to become one with you.

Q:  How can we accomplish it when so much of the dimension teaches us just the opposite?

A:  By accepting yourself as you are without requirements. Then accepting others is easy.

Q:  It isn't easy here.

A:  No child, it isn't. But, man can achieve it within and it will surround everything in your path to become whole and pure.  Don't take what this world claims as whole, but what loving oneself as they are and accepting all others as they are.  There can be NO judgement in love.  It exists because of you and who you are.  You are pure love in a body with a mind to choose.  That is pure love. One has to accept that before they can achieve happiness within.  There are no good or bad people. There is only hurting people who need to feel loved or appreciated. Society teaches just the opposite. They judge, condemn, and avoid those they feel are not right.  Each soul has a purpose here - to love. Love is not easy to understand because it is the opposite of  what this world sees as love.

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