Monday, August 21, 2017

Again We Talk About Emotions

Q:  Please start the conversation Samson.

A:  Child, as a Soul walks their path on this dimension their guides prepare the journey the Soul chose to experience. They bring about the situations that bring about the emotions the Soul chose to learn.

Q:  How?

A:  It can be brought about by many things depending on the chosen emotions.  Such as, meeting an individual who would cause a response within the Soul which will bring about the emotion to experience. A movie, a child, a parent, a co-worker, a car wreck, just about any situation will produce the needed reaction in the Soul. That reaction them allows the Soul to begin the lesson. You must remember, guides are only there to aid the Soul in their chosen decisions.

Q:  What if the Soul doesn't respond to the thing the guides have produced to aid them?

A:  The guides will bring about another lesson along the path, unless the Soul wishes to forgo their chosen lesson.

Q:  So, it's all like a game here to see how much a Soul can be taught?

A:  Quite much child. But, it is lessons the Soul had chosen before they came to walk this path. It is never forced on any Soul and the Soul can change their path, for they control their pathway. It is simply a means to an end for the Soul to learn. The way to the chosen emotion is produced in the Soul's path and the Soul chooses whether to take that one or not. It is always up to them which path they will trod.

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