Sunday, May 16, 2010


Q: George, I have heard all my life what sin is, but I would like your take on what sin is. A: There is no sin - only life experiences. Some are easy on you and some are hard on you. Your Ego and your emotions play a large part in what one may consider as sin, if one were coming from a standpoint of any type of religious theology. If one is to realize their oneness with Source - one would see there is no right or wrong - only lessons to be learned. Q: But aren't you saying we can do anything then? A: No, for love does not - do anything to themselves or to others. Love considers first the feelings of others and how that deed will affect them. Q: Sounds like you are talking as if love is a separate enity - just like us. A: Love is all, in all and without all. It can not be changed or munipulated. It is real, whole and full. It covers all things and is all things. Guess what it is? Yes - it is the great, "I am." Q: Okay I know that. But why is there as you say - no right or wrong? We have laws and regulations here, doesn't Source? A: Yes to love. If one truly loves - the laws become fulfilled in all. There is no hurt or hurting, no meaness or anger, there is no cheating, there is no lying, and on and on. See - love provides balance within our Soul and Ego. When they are balanced - there are no rights or wrongs. Q: Okay - I get what you are saying but what if my Soul and Ego are not balanced? A; You will probably do some damaged to yourself or others. Q: So how do I keep my Soul and Ego balanced to prevent hurt? A; Choose to love and dwell in the thought you are one with all things. Separate thinking divides. Choose to separate no more. To take down all boxes of thoughts and expectations. The secret is to choose this. You must make the choice to dwell in balance.

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