Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Is The Shift About, George?

Q: What is the, "Shift," everyone is talking about? Is it a Spiritual thing or an actual change in our dimension? A: The coming shift which is presently taking place in the earth's energy is a continual happening. It will be a Spiritual Consciousness and a physical happening. The earth's energy is speeding up as we speak. The whole atmosphere will make drastic changes. But the greatest change will be in the consciousness of man. The slower energy that held back the deeper spiritual thoughts will no longer be there. Places in the mind hidden will awaken. Consciousness of an all compassing entity will waken man's spiritual journey. Psychic ability will change. Things thought silly will begin to feel normal and have a new direction in this society. If a psychic of this present energy does not open to the new energy - they will have confusion in their abiltiies. This will frustrate many. Q: So, what can they do to prevent this block in their psychic energy? A: Accept the new energy and changes...... Q: I'm not sure I fully understand this, George. I talk to you guides all of the time, and it seems as normal to me as breathing. What makes it different for the others? A: You started with us in the new energy. For you it is as easy as breathing. But others have received their messages in bits and pieces. You simply hear us as if in a conversation. Of course this is how you demanded it. Q: Is that bad - to have demanded that? A: No - all Souls can direct their path. They have to choose too. Everything is a choice for each Soul. What they accept as normal - will be. You happen to have the gump to demand even more. Q: I don't think of it as being bossy or full of gump. I simply needed it to be this way - for me to be able to accept it. A: Many do not realize the power that rests in each's mind. You do to an extent. In many ways you halt yourself too - by doubting what you hear, feel or even see. Q: But I don't see yet...... A: That is because you fear too.....The times you have seen shadows you have doubted that it was there at all. You alone halt your abilities. Do not fear the unknown. There is coming a whole lot of unknowns....... Q: What's that suppose to mean, George? A: Many changes in how all Souls have viewed this dimension. Things, energies and psychic abilities are all changing. Move with the flow, Luv. Don't fear it. Q: I don't think I fear it. I sometimes doubt it because I am not assured it is really what it is. Sometimes I think it is just me and my imagination. A: That is what holds you back, Luv - your fear..... Q: Just how do I halt this fear? A: Trust in yourself. Trust in us. Trust in Source.

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