Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another topic about our emotion and Duality

Q:  George, we have talked in the past about the Soul and Ego's path here and the role each play.  We discussed the veiling of our Soul so the Ego is the ruler here.  I understand all of that to an extent, but there is a part of me that seems to keep wavering back and forth from the freedom of the Soul's oneness and the Ego's desire to live in duality. You said as long as we are in this dimension and walk with the Ego as ruler we will waver from oneness to duality.  Why?  Why does that have to be?

A:  Each person has a path to journey to learn the lessons they chose to learn.  When the Ego comes it is the main ruler while here.  This is because of several reasons.  The most important one is so our emotions (ruled by the Ego) are able to feel the path and learn the desired lessons.  Without our emotions ruling one would not get the process of the lesson, nor would they grasp the true feeling of that emotion. Another reason is so the Ego is able to learn what love means. The whole purpose of this path is to find what the real feeling is for each desired emotion.  As I have said before, if one just sits and looks at a bowl of ice cream one never gets the true taste.  One has to eat it - experience the taste, and savor the cold, sweetness in their mouth and on their tongue.  Then one gets the true meaning of ice Cream. This is the same for any emotion - no matter what that emotion is.  It can be loving or full of hate - but one will understand the truth in that emotion.

Q:  Why do I continue to go back and forth despite the knowledge you have granted to me?

A:  No matter who a Soul is - they will waver back and forth.

Q:  I have heard some say they have overcome their Ego.  Can they truly live beyond their Ego here?

A:  How can one overcome half of what they are?  Why would you want to?  The Ego isn't bad.  It is there to teach one about life and emotion and to guide one to the oneness within them.  It is needed.  There is no good or bad.  I know I say that often but it is so.  Everything one experiences here is for a purpose.  It is to allow that person to learn who and what they are.  As one discovers the knowing within themselves one gets more and more a glimpse of the true identity of who they truly are. The knowledge one gains is to move them higher and higher in the dimesions. We all desire to continue to move forward in our journey whether here on this 3rd dimension or in the dimensions after crossing over.  As we cross over we still journey on our path.  The only difference is - we are more aware of who we are due to the fact the Ego and Soul are no longer veiled from one another - but are balanced once again.  So as you journey here you will waver in and out of duality - even as you grow in your energy.  It is necessary for you  to do this.

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