Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tired in Heart

Q:  George, I am so very tired physically and emotionally.  I am told over and over things will change for the better (my better) but nothing does.  I carry a load inside to the point I often cry when coming home from work.  I feel so helpless where my family and friends are concerned.  I want to help them but I can hardly help myself.  Why are we going through such sorrow - sorrow that never seems to stop?

A:  This is all passing, Luv.  I know you are tired.  Give it up to us to deal with.  We will aid you.

Q:  I found the perfect home George, but I couldn't buy a setting hen right now.  Why, George - has this all happened?  I am told that all things work together for good, but I see no good in what has taken place in our lives.  Bob is still fighting his Diabetes. When does it actually GET better for us as promised?

A: Since the word soon is so distasteful to you I will say it this way - in the near future things will change (for you're good) to the point you will wonder what in the world happened.

Q:  I would love to believe what you say George, but I am tired of empty promises and things said that never seem to come to pass.  I am down, but I don't know how to work my way out anymore. All I do is want to cry.

A:  I say it again - things will be better than ever - in the very near future for you, your family and friends.  Trust in our love for you........

Q:  Shall I hold my breath?

A:  In time, Luv - all will change for you.....You will have the dream of having your own home.  It will be the perfect place for you too.......

Q:  I await what you say - but I don't see how it could ever be........My faith is very low right now. Hope is something I use to have. 

A:  Faith exists within each Soul.  It does not leave.  Sometimes things on one's pathway can seem to cover it - but it is still there.  You are tired physically and have carried a very heavy load.  It will ease, Luv and you will see the Sun again in your life........

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