Sunday, January 8, 2012

How Do we Become Aware of Love Within Us?

Q: How do we learn to recognize what love in us really means?

A: How do you recognize anything child? You become aware of love within you by your actions or your reactions to any given situation.  Love is something each Soul learns through trial and error as you say here.

Q: Is this Harold?

A: Yes, it is a question I chose to answer.

Q: You seldom speak but I always find great wisdom from you. Are you an old Soul?

A: Quite old Child. Even older than yourself. We have been together for many centuries. Although at this moment you are quite unaware of that fact.

Q: So how do I learn to bring love forward within myself?

A: Want too. The rest will present itself to aid you in understanding love. The key is to stay open to Spirit at all times.

Q: How do I accomplish that?

A: Once again - choose to. Everything hinges on your desire to succeed in your desires.

Q: It's not always easy to forgive and trust in that person again.

A: The secret is do you wish to overcome your ego's desire to pout or not?

Q: Man - you speak quite harshly.....

A: I only speak the truth when you ask of me and you asked of me child.

Q: Okay - I see and yes you are right. But that still doesn't get me to change.

A: Do you truly wish to change?

Q: Yes, I do. I want to love fully without strings - but to do that do I have to be drug through the mire constantly?

A: Only if you choose to go through it. Love is a choice. Only you can choose to find it. I can't do it for you and it doesn't just happen. Its a choice - a choice you alone and all others have to accept within themselves.

Q: Guess it's always up to me huh?

A: Quite right Julia.....

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