Sunday, December 29, 2013

Can You Explain That?

Q:  Since November of 2004 I have been writing question and answer journals about truth given to me. Now I see the videos by Dolores Cannon. She is saying the exact things I have written down, using sometimes the exact terminology.  So, why do you say I am to write three books when she already has?

A: There are many writings going on at this time of change. There will be thousands of energy's trying to lift the knowing of the Souls here for the changing of the worlds. You are but one of them. Every book that can be written to advance the thinking of the Souls here will be written. Yours are but a few. Each teacher will write their books according to how they perceive the knowledge given them.

Q:  I write in baby language to me.

A:  Quite the contrary you write in a real manner to be understood by thousands of Souls.

Q:  How can that be when all of my writings are hidden in boxes just gathering dust?

A: When you are ready to publish the publisher will come.
Q:  When will I be ready?

A:  When you loose your fear and take the change to move forward.

Q: I have tried and no one has even responded to me. I have no money so how am I to publish them myself and when do I have time to put them in order when all I do is work.

A:  You choose the time. You have the power within you to create whatever you need.

Q:  How come I don't feel or see this power?

A:  Because you choose not to and choose to dwell in fear of what ifs.

Q: So, how do I change me then?  Just saying I choose doesn't cut it.

A:  Loose the fear and step out in faith. What you need will follow.

Q:  How do I loose my fear?

A: Accept every moment as what you want it to be, not what you see physically  Everything you see before you as seeming real is only a film - a film portraying what you want to see.

Q:  I live in a world that is fake, a world I have created to be real and it is all a farce?

A: Yes child, I am afraid it is so.  You see what you desire to see. It isn't real.

Q: It sure looks and feels real.

A: That is the way it was intended to be child. You would not stay and learn the lessons needed if it were not so.

Q;  How do I step beyond my earthly thinking and move forward?

A: Just move your feet and mind.

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