Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Q;  George, I know that a lot of people share in the duel feelings of sadness and joy during the Christmas holiday period. Why?

A:  This world worships this season as a time of giving. Many people can not share in the giving. The commercial atmosphere produced by greed has made a lot of people barely scraping by feel unworthy.  You have experienced this - have you not?

Q:  Yes, the last few years have been very hard on me. Christmas time for me was a time I could give nice things to my children and grandchildren and those I cared about and I have been unable to do so for a long time. It does make me sad. It made me feel such joy to bless them. Now I can't and it hurts. But aside from that - why is the energy so hard to adjust too at this time.

A:  At the ending of each calendar year the energy slows down and the new moon comes. The new moon is in a faster energy and sometimes the two do not mix. This causes the mixed emotions. Enjoy the new year for you will be blessed.

Q:  I pray you are right. 

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