Sunday, June 12, 2011


Q:  George, what are Orbs? 

A:  What are Orbs, let's see - they are energies.

Q:  What of?

A:  Many times Orbs seem to follow energies of like mind.  They will seek out energies that are of the same electrical volume as they are.  They will stay around a Soul until such time they are recognized or asked to leave.  Remember - nothing can ever override your FREE WILL.   Many times an Orb is an energy that is looking for its place in every dimension.  It hangs around those that hold on to the same types of loves.

A:  Guess that's why I have never had a photo taken of me that one appeared into.  Lol.....

Q:  They do not always appear to people here.  Often they just tag along with one's energy.  They are mostly harmless, but a few do have an angry energy.  Usually it is due to a hard life on this dimension - one they are unable to let go of for some reason. Their energy is lowered and often they will appear very dim.  This is due to the energy running at a slower rate than the spirits of others who have yet to leave this dimension.

A:  Why do Souls stay in this type of LIMBO?  I can't wait to go home.

Q:  Their loves hold them here.  Even you have loves that hold you here.  Your children, your husband and friends.  Every Soul does.  It is the way of the Ego's mind here upon the 3rd dimension consisting of slower energy. One is often held by their loves or unfulfilled desires. 

A:  Why would anything other than one's family and friends  - hold one here?

Q:  It depends on what one's heart is attached too.  It can be anything.  What one is attached too comes from within and has also something to do with all of the life paths one has trod.  It accumulates within the self and it can have a tremendous hold on one.

Q:  How does that Soul release itself then?

A:  Once the Soul finally discovers that the love they have held on to - brings no happiness - it will let it go and the Soul will move forward.  It can be a short process or a very long process.  It all depends on how soon the Soul learns the longing is for naught.

Q:  Am I going to be one of those hang around souls?

A:  Not if you let go of all things upon leaving.......

Q:  How do I do that?

A:  By realizing all things here are not really real - that the real world is a world of energies basking in united love.

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