Saturday, September 3, 2011

Moving Again

Q: Today we will be looking at a rental. The thought of moving just about makes me cry. I was so sure when we moved again I would be moving into my own home. But, I guess that isn't to be.  It makes me very sad, George.

A:  Yes, Luv, I know. But remember all things work together for good. There is a reason this is to be.  Rest in that.

Q:  Yeah - I will eventually have to move again. This will be the 27th time I have moved in our marriage.  I think I am due some TLC. Why doesn't the Universe think that too?

A:  Luv, time changes all things.  You will someday look back on all this and realize this is what has made you into who you are.  The long, rocky roads have shaped you into this being of light.  It is good.

Q:  What being of light?  I certainly do not fit that category.  I am just me, I cry, I struggle, I get angry and I am stubborn as a mule - Bob says......

A: Yes, you are all those things, but so is everyone else.  Do you really think there is one soul out there that is perfect?  No - there is not.  Even when one crosses over into higher energy - they are not. Each soul struggles on their path.  Each soul has an Achilles Heel - weaknesses of the flesh - as they say here.  But, each soul learns from mistakes.  It is good.

Q:  I love the way all of you think everything we experience here is so good. Ha ha.....You wouldn't be so brave if you were in my shoes or any other soul's shoes.  It isn't easy here on us.  I know you see from a different pathway - but it is us - here - experiencing this mess and it is often very hard to deal with.

A:  When you walk this pathway - you walk it with the Ego in the ruling seat.  Your Ego is a very self-centered part of you.  It will fight to get its' way to the end.  Yet, as a soul allows the inner light to come forth the Ego is aware in spurts of who and what it is and looses that bossy attitude at times becoming its' true loving self just as its' counter part the soul.  This path is a progress of learning love.  It ia a path of learning who you truly are.  It is good. For as each soul grows in the knowledge of who and what they are - they move into a higher vibration. Their energy increases in speed and the inner light of knowing comes forth in a greater way.  It is good, Luv.  It is real good.

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