Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Continuing on Judgement

Q:  Why does the Bible have rules then?

A:  First of all Child, the Bible was written by men to bring about a religious social order and to relay teachings. It was created to produce love and life, but ended up only creating judgement and division in mankind. It began to separate Souls as humans began to interpret the words by their likes and dislikes. Religious sects were created by the way it was read and interpreted. Souls must have freedom to seek their destiny and to learn. They should not be programmed as robots. They have to learn their lessons by the choices on their pathway they alone choose. That is the only true way to learn life.

Q:  How do we increase love within us and decrease judgement?

A:  By allowing you and all others freedom to learn their lessons. It is the only way to truth within you. It is the only way to discover who and what you truly are and what truly the Creator is. When a person has a child they usually raise the child in the learned conditioning of their childhood. If a child starts to touch a hot stove, the parent reacts  automatically from their love and takes the child to safety. Conditioning is part of Earth's lessons. It is hard to loose our preconceived boxes, but through love we can. Love is the true key to all decisions, child. Only unconditional love can give true freedom or bring truth to one.

Q:  Why is obtaining freedom so important to us?

A:  So each Soul can become an individual with free thinking and free action.  Life becomes much more interesting that way.

Q:  So, if we do our life lessons - how do we realize we have advanced in Spirit?

A:  Through the peace it brings and the knowing that feels the Soul and mind.

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