Sunday, March 9, 2014


Q:  You stated last night every atom has to rest.  Why?

A:  The energy that pulsates within every atom gives three beats, then rests. When the atom is at  rest the movement within the atom changes the structure of the cells within and cools the atom down.

Q:  Why?

A:  An atom is created to expand, rest, expand, rest. When it expands the energy is at it's greatest.  When it rests it allows the nucleus to change the structure to create life energy. This is all done in perfect balance. If an atom gets off balance it can become quite hot and often dangerous. Man has tried for years to fully understand the workings of an atom, but it is still a ways off. The creation of life is still amazing your Scientists. They are just now beginning to realize there is life other than just here on this dimension, but life exists in time warps and has no beginning or end. They talk and study the Quantum version of physics in reference to the atom. When the atom is at rest it is charging in another time and space.

Q:  Please explain further - it's over my head. Remember my education is very limited.

A:  An atom has many lives. It beats here, then beats in another time frame or quantum warp. At this point in your writings it will be hard for you to understand so I will try to explain it in simple terms for you. Atoms have tremendous energy that is capable of dwelling in many places at the same time. It is not just limited to your dimension it can exist in numerous areas of the Universe.

Q:  Why? Aren't there enough atoms to go around?

A:  Yes, Child there are. But, why not allow each atom to relay energy. It is what is best for all mankind. Remember as the atom charges it expands. When it expands it heats up greatly. That heat if not held in check could create quite a mess, creating an unbalanced state.  Everything in this slower dimension must remain in a balanced state to let all matter materialize.

Q:  Does it create balance in another world when it is resting here?

A:  Yes, every world remains balanced but on different frequencies. Earth is the slowest planet.

Q;  Why?

A:  So the mind can grasp all things and allow the emotions to learn.

Q: So, do other worlds learn too?

A:  Yes, but on a different warp speed and intensity.  Some Quantum worlds are highly advanced and some are more basic.

Q:  There are different worlds around us?

A:  There are billions of worlds and dimensions surrounding Earth. You are not able to see them with the naked eye or with telescopes yet.  Some worlds watch this planet much like you watch TV. They learn from your pathways. Their emotions aren't as limited and their species are more highly advanced.

Q;  Are you saying this world is of a slower intelligence?

A:  NO! Other world's abilities toward advancing their intelligence is on a faster energy level.  Use of their brain power is in a more advanced state than this dimension.

Q: If I were where these other beings are would my intelligence move up to theirs?

A:  Child, if you were not here on this dimension you would be in your natural balanced state. The knowledge you already possess would be limitless and you would sense all things.

Q:   How do I know what you are telling me is real or right?

A;  Study the atom. Go on to your internet and watch what an atom does.  Quantum energy is quite fascinating.

Q: Will this dimension ever go beyond this slower energy?

A:  Your world is changing as we speak and will continue to do so with or without man's assistance. The energy is moving faster and knowledge is becoming deeper for mankind. But, even though it is moving up in energy it will continue to be a teaching world.

Q:  When we die and healing has re-balanced us to our natural form of energy will we understand and see the separate dimensions?

A:  Yes - you will see way beyond this limited world and into all amazing Quantum Warps of time and space.

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