Sunday, March 16, 2014

Here We Go Again

Q:  I don't think I fully understand what you said, Samson. I know that the core of all energy creates all life and exists within all things. So, if we are all connected why are some Souls more intelligent than others? Do they use more of their brain power? If so, How?

A:  Each Soul arrives here with FORE KNOWLEDGE of their impending journey. They are aware of the lessons to learn. How they will learn is up to the choices on their Life pathway. Each Soul has a veil separating them from their balanced state of being.  In the brain lies all knowledge. As each atom divides the cells - molecules - each is assigned certain jobs in order for the physical body to function in this slower energy.

Q:  How do they separate?

A:  Through a chain reaction of energy. Every atom expands and rests - causing a multiplying of energy which causes each cell to fire. This expands the atoms and molecules. The firing of the atoms allows the brain to accomplish the desired effect, such as moving one's arm. Electrical impulses fire each cell into multiplying the blood flow to all vital organs so the body will function. Inside the brain is all knowledge of all existence. Each Soul that journeys will advance in this knowing.

Q:  How much brain power are we capable of using here in this 3rd dimension?

A:  Some have reached 20% and a very few as much as 25%.

Q:  Can we use more here?

A:  Only with the advancement of all truth into unconditional love.

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