Monday, June 7, 2010

Staying Free

Q; George, the more I talk to people the more I realize if I stay free of any type of dogma or right thinking - I can actually catch some great statements which I like to call pearls. I realize from childhood we are taught how life should be. We grow up thinking our family, friends, pastor, teachers, and society has the right thinking. If we encounter someone different - we shrink back. Our teachings have actually hindered us. A: Yes, Luv, this dimension is so into,"I know what's best." What would you do if you encountered a species from another world? Would you listen to them or run? To be programmed as souls are here is sad. We guides travel through out many Universes. We meet many different souls of every kind of right thinking, at least their kind. Every Universe has its own thinking. The secret to balance is to remain free and accept each as they walk without judgement or trying to change them. Don't try to agree. Let the light of each shine in its own way. Q: But, George not all souls are kind and loving. Some are full of anger and automatically hate you. A: Yes, hate is taught in every language and in every Universe. The joy is to see all souls become free of it. Q: So, how do we, George, remain free of thought or the right thinking, thus eliminating the chance of hate? A: As you choose to remain free you will find it become easier and easier within you to allow all others to be who they are. It is all a matter of - your choice. You are the creator of your path. You are the one that chooses life or judgement. Don't take up your cross. Leave it and walk beside that soul, listen and accept them where they walk. How great is the feeling of love you will feel within you. How marvelous they will feel to speak what they think and feel no hesitation within you. Both free, both feel loved. Q: I long to find that place George. A: You already have, Luv....It lies within you. You have only to choose to accept it.

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