Thursday, June 24, 2010

Too Busy

Q: George, life on this dimension is just too busy sometimes. Society demands constant attention. We run here and run there all the while seemingly getting very little accomplished. I long to have a day just to sit with a cup of good coffee and read a book, but work has to be. It is sad. A: Yes there is much to do on this world. We do not live in time frames as you well know. That fact has caused you and I great difficulties at times. My soon is not what you think. Your soon is sometimes impatience. Lol.....We are great friends you and I and have much work to do. I look forward to the day you will be able to sit down and start writing your books full time. Q: Me too, George. But right now life demands I work. Tell me about the time frame thing in your world..... A: There is no time or space here. One can be any where in a second - just by thinking. I have to admit it is much better than your traveling style. Q: Will I ever Astral travel? A: Do you want too? Q: Yeah. A: Choose it. It is only a thought away. Q: I had a dream the other night. It felt so real I could not go back to sleep. What is with that? A: It was a warning of things to come. Q: Then that will be tough on me George. A: Yes, we know. But for your sake we put you on alert mode. We will aid you through it. Q: Thank you.

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