Sunday, August 8, 2010


Q: I have been watching animals a lot lately. I am discovering how much they accept each other, share and just live for the moment. Why are they at such rest and we humans struggle? What do they possess that allows that? A: Animals come from the very oldest of souls. To be here on this learning dimension and not be able to verbally communicate is extremely hard on a soul. Only the oldest of souls can manage it. They have obtained the ability to love in a greater capacity than most souls. They have learned to dwell in peace. Q: Okay - so you say they have earned this place? A: Yes, they have earned it by working through thousands of earth years of learning experiences. They have become one with all things and therefore do not need verbal ability to communicate love. It is a wonderful place to be, few have reached it. Q: How do we obtain it? A: By the choice of learning to love without strings or attachments. One might say, " Well, that's easy." But I can assure you it is extremely difficult for souls to do so. First because the Ego here is so strong and is very self-centered. The other is the inability to reason without attaching something to it. Here - one attaches everything one has chosen as law to their loves. Accepting souls here as they are is nearly an impossible task. One has to die to their thinking and their feeling of I am right and you are wrong. A soul has to give way to the other soul - which is very scary for the Ego. It prefers to be king. Q: Why are we made up of such duality then? What's the reasoning behind that thinking? A: Well, since Source is made up of positive and negative - every soul is made up of the same energy. For in reality love can only shine as it overcomes obstacles. The thinking is to produce life in a duality so the meaning of oneness is greater, especially when two different energies can merge and become one. This makes the soul much stronger and the ability to love greater. It's like a marriage. You have two different people (energies) that merge and become one. During the years together the different energies mix at moments and battle in moments. But upon merging the feeling of oneness and love is expanded. As the years progress the two become more of a unit. Their thinking begins to merge in a more unified manner, they can finish each others' sentences. They are sad when the other is not there. The soul and ego are just like that. They are separate but become one as they merge and begin the journey of oneness. Life becomes full of love and unity. Duality begins to fade as they merge together and allow each to grow. The journey is far greater than my mere words can do justice too, Luv. Would you follow an energy that was boring or had no different thought? Would you become one with something that had no ability to think for themself? No, for opposites attract. The world is made up from the smallest of atoms to the biggest of energies by two sides-positive and negative. For only in the opposing energies can a greater love be borne.

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