Sunday, August 29, 2010

What's Going On

Q; What is going on, George? People are angry, more greedy, more impatient, suspicious, non-responsive, and becoming separated. Its like the whole darn world has gone to war with itself. Is the energy changing - causing this? A: As the energy is expanding and speeding up the emotions of all living things will be affected. The emotions will intensify and their reactions will intensify. Souls strengths and weaknesses will become more prominent. Things that hardly affected one will now cause a reaction. Things will become more negative or more positive depending on the energy one dwells in. That is why meditation will be so important for one - as this time of mind rest will allow one's own energy to expand and speed up to be able to stabilize one's emotions. Q: What if I don't meditate? A: Then you will find yourself struggling with the energy surrounding you. Your emotions may or may not control you. It will be up to you. Q: This whole shift thing is so unnerving to me. What will happen to the Soul unaware of the increase of the energy speed? A: They will be reacting as all others unable to find the center of their peace. Q: What can I do to help myself? A: Go within - center yourself in the core of your peace center. Q: What is my peace center? A: The core of each Soul's energy in the human body is their heart. The heart is where all concepts of love exist in this earthly form for the heart beats from love. Q: Love creates life here? A: The center core of all that love is creates life everywhere. Without it - not would be. Q: I guess the core you are speaking of is Source? A: Source is love. Love creates all life. Q: How can love be the creator of all life? A: Source is the creator. Source is love. Source gives life. Without this energy of love none would exist anywhere. Q: What is love? A: Love is thought - thought produced by electrical impulses from within Source. Q: So without thought - nothing exists? A: Yes - thought must exist for all life to be. Thought was created by LOVE. Love produced these thoughts and the thought creates the action. It produces all things into realization of sight. It makes it real to us. For all things can only have life through thought and love.

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