Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad

Q: George, life seems like a mountain railroad where there is nothing but going up, up, up. It gets tough to keep going onward alone. There seems no place to take a rest for if one stops one can't get going again for the steepness of that mountain prevents that. You feel as if the burdens you are going through will never end. You watch loved ones suffering, people starving, greed getting bigger and bigger, hatred growing more intense. Selfishness gets deeper and more advanced into the "ME," image. When is there rest for souls? When is love apparent? Why do the good suffer and the mean, greedy and selfish grow stronger? What is this whole thing for - just to experience emotions? It doesn't seem worth it to me. It is apparent I haven't run this mountain railroad well. I haven't run it with peace or willingness. So - what's the point, George? How can I a total failure at understanding anything you have said to me - give or impart anything to anyone. I take a step forward and six back. I'm just not getting the picture I guess. A: Does any Soul really understand life? No - each soul walks this path in their own way and in their own time. To learn - I say again - is up to each soul. To make a success of your path is up to each soul. No one can walk your path for you - nor can they pull you on up the mountain. It is a lonely path in some ways. But - to succeed in your task is prominent in your heart. Each soul was given that. When the path manages to overwhelm a soul and they leave - it's not failure. You still see things as black and white. Let's look at it as if by colors. Let's say that black is your past, white is your future. If you dwell in your past - you will not move forward, you will see all of your mistakes (the ones you think of as mistakes), your lack of goals and your fallen desires. If you dwell in the future - you will fear the unknown or the things you imagine will be. What you need to do is allow the past to be the past and the future to be the future. Live in the now. Think only of this day and be thankful in it. Q: George, I have been in bed for over a week with this flu. I cough so hard I get little sleep. I am missing work. My house is a wreck and I am so tired and sore all over I can hardly move. You want me to think in that? Come on - I'd rather think I was on a sunny beach - feeling a cool, soft, breeze drift off my face and sleeping a peaceful sleep. No worries about bills or house or sadness. A: Your thoughts can be whatever you desire them to be. It does not hurt to realize what you dwell in - is tough. Life is often very tough for each soul. But take that tough and do something with it. Be whatever you want to be. Q: I see only what I dwell in. Which at this point isn't very inviting to me. A: Look- not all paths are easy. Each soul chooses the things they desire to learn, to feel and to walk through before they come. Some come to have an easy path. Some older souls pick much more difficult ones. Welcome to being old Luv. Q: Funny, George. A: Just a tad bit of humor me Luv......Just tryin' to cheer ye up. Q: Are we in our Irish mode George? A: Just havin' a wee bit of fun with ya, Luv. Tryin' to cheer ye up. You are quite down. Q: Very tired George. If I look back at all I have experienced in this path I'd say I deserve a gold crown. But to be truthful - I feel if I haven't found peace in all of this - I just haven't learned anything. A: Peace is not found - peace is. You must realize this - no one can accomplish this path without some difficulty. It was developed to be thus. How would anyone learn anything if all was peaches and cream? This is a learning experience and boy, are you learning. Q: Learning what George? A: To be who and what you are. Q: That doesn't look so good to be then. I have no peace, I cry, I fret, I worry and I am beginning to think I am crazy. A: Luv, all think that at times. There is not one soul that has not walked a path of discouragement before. Some have succeeded to find peace - many have not. You are right - your path is draining, and one in which you do walk mostly alone in. But so far so good - you are still writing and talking to us. You are too hard on yourself. You have it in your mind (Stuck quite nicely I might add), to do this you must learn everything and walk a peaceful and perfect walk, growing in Spirit. Sounds like to me it would end up to be a person - with a big ego. That isn't the way this walk was designed. It was designed to teach you about love. Life or living is love. Love is the acceptance of all things - (as you here say) good and bad. You can't find a perfect walk, nor can you expect yourself to be without faults. All have them. All suffer, get angry, fret and cry. It is the way of emotions here. This path was designed to bring out the real you. For only when you truly realize who you are - can you love yourself. Only in loving yourself can you begin to be free to love others. Love isn't easy to learn. It is totally the opposite of what the Ego desires. That is why it is so hard to learn. You have to be willing to merge the soul and ego and let each have a say. Q: George, when you talk - I see what you are saying, but I guess it doesn't stick with me or something, because I turn right around and start worrying about my life, my loved ones and people I know.....I don't seem to be able to change that. A: That is because you love, Luv. Your emotions run so deep within you. You find no joy in others sorrows. You feel everything so intense - it drains you. This is due to your gifts. An empathic feels much more deeply than most. It is quite difficult sometimes for the Empathic to turn off emotions. There again I say - open up to the thought of meditation. It will help. Q: I know I'm sick, tired and feel like a truck ran over me, but I am serious in why don't I seem to grow? A" You do - but your Ego refuses to allow you to see it. It is quite strong you know. Q: Is that bad? A: No - but it can give one quite a tussle. Realize you are okay. Everything will be okay and your needs as well as your desires will be soon. Q: George - there you go again with that word soon.......You started saying that in 2004. It ain't happened yet. A: You are the only one holding it back, Luv. You don't believe it can be. Try this - tell yourself every morning what a good day this will be for everyone. See what happens. Q: I will try, George. Thanks for putting up with me - I know it isn't easy for all of you. A: You are worth it - all souls are........

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