Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Question

Q: In the last blog we talked about the shift and how it was coming about. You talked of the magnetic energy grids shifting to make way for the new energy field. You in the past talked about the energy speed changing at a rate of .06 points per hour. Please answer me this - why does this earth have to change so drastically? A: For centuries this dimension has been in what we call the 3rd dimension energy speed at an extremely slow rate. This was to allow the molecules to visualize and produce what you think as real here. This earth was designed to be a type of learning center - much like your school systems. But, it has been agreed that the energy needs to speed up to open up more of a portion of the brain patterns here. One uses only about 10-20 % of their brain waves here. This allows the ego to be in more control than necessary at times. The new energy speed will allow those that desire to move up in brain capacity to do so without harm to the physical body. Q: Who decided this? A: A panel of higher energy souls that dwell in a life decision center. These are souls many centuries old that have travel through hundreds of life paths successfully. Q: What do you mean successfully, George? I thought there was no good or bad paths - only learning experiences. A: To be successful at a life path one must travel all of the experiences one chose to learn. You would be surprised how many do not complete their specified lessons. It is often very difficult to stay put and learn on these paths. Some have chosen paths so emotionally draining they can not finish. You are often at this point lately due to the stress you have been through. Yet, your soul stays despite the stress. Q: Yeah - but my emotions are draining me. A: For that very reason many do not complete their designated path. They leave. You on the other hand will stay I think and finish the job you were given to accomplish for Source. It is an extremely hard path and we feel your stress at times and the loneliness you feel at being shunned by so many because of your gifts. But the reward for you will be the liberation of many into freedom and true knowledge of this life path and Source. Is that not worthy of you staying? Q: Boy - George - you asked a hard one. It is very hard on me and Bob, my husband to seek Spirit and realize in finding it one is forsaken. Don't you think you guys could ask a simpler thing of me? A: You ask it of yourself, Luv, for you a lone agreed to this path. Q: Was I nuts? A: No, willing.....Be of good cheer - not all will forsake you. For you will always have us to guide you and aid you through this path. Q: Yeah, but I don't see you guys..... A: You will in time be able to see. For now you are to listen to us and write what we tell you.

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