Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Fair Question

Q: George, you once told me if I changed my path here on this dimension - it would change everyone's path. Dewain stated tonight that it only changes mine. Please tell me what is.

A: Every soul here and across the dimensions are of the same energy. When energy is moved all energy shifts. If your path contains certain experiences and you choose not to do them, it would indeed affect all other souls' paths. You can't hold some energy still when all energy is connected. That would be like trying to hold some drones still while the hive goes forward. You might be sorry you tried to do that. The force of energy when it moves is powerful. It reaches into all things and moves everything at a certain pace. If one's energy is shifted - then with the force in which it withholds all things - it will move all things. Not all souls receive the same enlightenment. One will find their answers in one way and another will get it a different way. It comes to each soul as they are able to see.

Q: So, if I change my path, don't walk down a certain pathway - that decision I make will affect all souls?

A: Yes, to a certain degree. You can not move energy by itself. When one atom moves - all atoms move. The balance must stay in place at all times for all things to appear real here.

Q: So if I were to stop my energy from moving if I could - it would affect each other soul? How?

A: Depending on the action you have taken, whether it is a positive change or a negative change. One's decision to divert their path will indeed affect all other things here. But, remember any way you choose to go down your path is good - for each way you trod you will learn and grow in Spirit.

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