Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Am Sometimes Aware Of Who I Am

Q:  Given to me on Jan. 19, 2011......
     George, I am aware of who I am in a lot of ways but my Ego and my emotions sometimes drain me. I seem to loose my peace within.  How does one overcome the affect on them of adverse circumstances?

A:  By not fighting what you are experiencing but, by accepting the knowledge deep within you that love will prevail for you.

Q:  Easier said than done here, George.

A:  Yes, as I have said before, "It is quite difficult here on the 3rd dimension when the Ego is in control."  But, one can accomplish a lot if one allows one's SOUL to balance with it's counterpart the Ego through meditation.

Q: I can't meditate.  I try but my mind goes a 100 miles a minute......

A:  If you keep saying that - then indeed it shall be as you state.  Your words hold great power.  Use all words wisely, Luv.

Q: You tell me all the time my words move my path yet I have spoken many things - never have they appeared. So?

A: You must trust what you say.  Many times you speak without believing what you are stating.

Q:  Just how do I do that then? 

A: By seeking within to your Soul's heart.  Get the Soul to agree and it shall be.

Q: So far my Soul never seems to agree with my Ego.

A: It isn't easy, Luv.  One has to go within and be still.

Q: Oh boy! That's a good one for me, George.  My brain is never still. There are questions upon questions going on in there - constantly......

A:  Give it a good try anyways.

Q: You talk as if the Ego and Soul are two entities.  Are they?

A:  The Soul is a whole and the Ego is a whole.  When they merge they become one whole entity.

Q: You have always said my Soul is 1/2 and my Ego is 1/2. Now, you are saying they are both whole entities. I am confused.

A: Each exist as a unit unto themselves but they must balance to be a whole unit - which is the complete you. They must merge and balance to be able to produce Spiritual awareness in the earthly human.

Q: Okay - how do we get them to merge?

A: Love and meditation produces unity and allows spiritual awareness to bond with this earthly form.

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